little blessings

Our goal is to provide the best Christian pre-primary education to our community for the lowest cost.  

We love your kids. That's the first thing you should know. We consider them family. No, we're not going to raise them for you but we will be here to walk alongside you, teaching them to be responsible, fun-loving, hard-working, generous, loving kids that will one day become responsible, fun-loving, hard-working, generous, loving adults. 

We also see our role as preparing them for kindergarten and years of future learning. We consider it of great importance to provide a structured academic and social learning environment. We hope each child will have an enhanced self-image and sense of accomplishment through our encouraged independence. 

Oh, and we don't want this to break your bank. We know how stressful finances can be and we know pre-school is an elective, so we do everything we can to make it as affordable as possible.  

meet our teachers

Diana, our Director, has served in her role since Restoration began in 2013. Diann joined us shortly after. Together they have a combined 60 years of educating children between them. They love your kids and do whatever is necessary and possible to make Little Blessings a hospitable, welcoming, fun and nurturing environment. Please email them with any questions you may have.  

  • diana peschen

    director/prek teacher

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  • christine berg

    3s teacher/assistant

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  • diann maher


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Write our teachers with a question or comment.

Phone Volume


Call Little Blessings with questions or to set up an appointment to tour our school.



Follow Little Blessings on facebook to see up to date happenings and be informed of what's coming up.



Follow Little Blessings on Instagram to see the latest activities.


3 year olds


9:30a - noon

$260 a month



9:30A - NOON | 12:30P - 3:00P

$310 a month

ALL DAY: 9:30A - 3:00P

$410 a month

To register, please email Diana Peschen with your name and preferred contact information. She will be happy to set up a tour and get you more information.  There is a $50 registration fee for new students; a $35 fee for returning students. 

daily schedule

Each day as the kids arrive they are greeted with a warm smile and hug. They begin their day with "works" to help them learn shapes, letters, numbers and to write their name. They are then free to play!

We gather for circle time where we discuss the calendar, days of the week, weather, a spiritual theme and much more. We read stories and sing songs. We enjoy snack time, free play time, time outside on the playground or downstairs with our gym equipment. We make crafts that reinforce what we're learning. 

We provide a very structured environment in order to provide the best context for learning and personal growth.    

special outings and activities

Each year we enjoy many special days and go on many special field trips including:

Opening picnic

Halloween party and parade

Thanksgiving Feast

Christmas party

Christmas ornament making and program

Valentines dance

St. Patricks Party

Chic hatching

Easter egg hunt and Easter bunny


Butterfly release

End of school carnival

In the fall we visit an apple orchard and pumpkin patch as well as a firehouse where we tour fire engines and meet some local heroes. In the spring, the 3's class tours a pretzel factory and the Pre-K sees a play. 

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