be rich

Be Rich is a season of generous actions and good deeds toward our community.  We are compelled to generous love because God first loved us, entrusted to us all we have and invited us to manage his resources well and for the good of others. Throughout the year we live this out individually and corporately but each year around the holiday season we challenge ourselves to rise to new heights in good deeds and generous actions.  Keep scrolling to learn how.

4 ways to participate

It is our hope that 100% of the Restoration community participates in some way in our be rich efforts. You don't need to sign up for everything, or participate in every way (though you can if you want and its healthy to do so), but stretch yourself this season and contribute in some way.

look for the icon below to see which projects need which assistance

  • We challenge each family to contribute $40 to the cause. Does that seem unreasonable?  Consider $20 or $10.  Does that seem disobedient to the blessings God has entrusted you with?  Consider giving more!  Hit THIS BUTTON   to head to our giving portal.  Indicate Be Rich when giving.

  • Several of our projects need to be resourced.  We are accepting of all sorts of things (see below for details).  

  • A few projects involve shopping to bless our community: Operation Christmas Child (see below for details), The Giving Tree, our annual Christmas blessing to those in need locally (see below for details) and our Oxford Valley teachers Christmas blessing (see below for details).   

  • Use your time and energy to serve.  Various projects will require hands to help and bodies to love on our community in fun, practical and tangible ways. See below for which efforts need volunteers.  

sundays during "be rich"

Be sure to join us at 10am each Sunday during this series as we learn together what it means to "Be Rich" and why it's so important. 

October 13 : Teaser

We'll mention Be Rich and kick it off with our first cause + the website will be available to start signing up!

October 20 : Be Rich

Paul told Timothy to "Be rich in love and good deeds" because in an economy of grace, generosity is what is most valuable. We'll map out the Be Rich season and invite you to participate in being rich this Holiday season! 

  • operation Christmas child Add to Shopping Cart

    WHEN: October 13 & 20 pickup | to be collected October 27 & November 3

    WHERE: Restoration Church | pick up on the front porch and drop off at the stage.

    The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. How? By providing Christmas gifts in shoeboxes along with the gospel! 

    Each box has instructions and ideas of what to do to fill the box. Have fun being a great blessing!

  • IFA Thanksgiving baskets Hand Holding Heart


    WHERE: Drop donations off in the Restoration Lobby

    Each year we partner with the IFA (Interfaith Food Alliance) to help supply a portion of baskets that will go to help families have everything they need for a festive Thanksgiving meal. This year we've been asked to supply the following:

    50 large boxes of instant potatoes (or 100 small boxes)

    50 boxes of stuffing

    All donations can be dropped off in the lobby. 


    WHEN: October 26 | 3 - 5pm

    WHERE: The Bridge, 6800 Emilie-bristol road, Levittown

    There are a number of projects needing to be done over at The Bridge, including but not limited to: deep cleaning, tightening chairs/tables, power washing, weeding, hanging shelves + more.  No special skills are required but we'll let those who register know more specifics before the 26th. 


  • Fall Fling & pumpkin smash Helping Hands

    WHEN: November 3 | 10:30 service, 11:30 - 1:30 event

    WHERE: Restoration Church

    We are taking advantage of this event to inform and invite our community to participate with all things Be Rich! Beyond that, this event will offer inflatables, a maze, crafts for young and old, a caramel apple bar, cider, hot dogs, popcorn (and other food), a fall photo stop + more "fall fling" activities. In addition, bring your carved pumpkins and we'll have fun smashing them in wild ways! We have a catapult, we'll throw them from the roof, we'll swing at them with bats + more! 

    Invite your friends to our 10:30 service and stick around for this great event!

    SIGN up to serve

  • community pantry - stock Hand Holding Heart


    WHERE: Drop off in the Restoration lobby

    It's our goal to stock as many food and supply pantries as we can this holiday season. We're partnering with local schools and interfaith organizations to keep necessary items on the shelves for those who may be in need. 

    • Cleaning Supplies
    • Boxed Potatoes
    • Stuffing
    • Soup
    • Juice
    • Pancake Mix
    • Syrup
    • Cooking Oil
    • Sugar
    • Pasta Sauce
    • PB & J
    • Canned meat
    • Cereal
    • Sugar Free Snacks
    • Snacks (beef jerky, cookies, crackers) 
    • Canned Fruit
    • Any non-perishable food items are welcomed. 
    • Wet wipes
    • Bodywipes
    • Tarpes
    • Toothpaste
    • Deodorant
    • Blankets
    • Detergent
    • Thermal shirts. 
    • For men and women preferably in L/XL/XXL sizes used or new
    • Mens/ Womens sweatpants
    • Sweatshirts, sizes L/XL/XXL. 
    • Mens Jackets in XL/ XXL
    • Tents
    • Sleeping Bags
    Or consider this when shopping for food pantries:
    • Mac n Cheese needs butter and milk which are hard to come by at pantries.
    • Cereal needs milk too. 
    • Can openers help open canned goods, which pantries get a lot of. Consider pop-top cans. 
    • Spices (salt and pepper) are rarely provided to pantries but are a real gift. 
    • Tea bags and coffee are a unique and rare, but desired contribution to pantries. 
    • Same with sugar and flour. 
    • Cake boxes and frosting are a rare treat (but a great help esp. if there's a birthday coming up). 
    • Dishwashing soap/sponges, etc. are never given but greatly appreciated. 
    • Women's hygiene products are a real blessing as is deodorant and other hygienic items (like toothpaste, brushes, shaving cream, razors, etc.).
  • laundry love Helping Hands  

    WHEN: NOVEMBER 10 | 9am - ?? when the money runs out!

    WHERE: Laundry Zone, Pennsbury Plaza

    Join us to meet people where they have a need and share God's love and generosity by paying for their laundry with funds raised through our Quarter Carnivals. We'll spend the day getting to know people and sharing that they are loved unconditionally. 

    Bring the kids and sign up for a shift or two!


  • the giving tree Shopping Cart Arrow Down  Helping Hands


    WHERE: Various homes

    As part of our Be Rich season The Giving Tree is our opportunity to bless local families who need help providing a happy Christmas for their families.  It may mean helping to purchase presents, providing meals, clothing or other needs and unless the family you sponsor has only one child, or you take an entire family, you will be working together with others to bless your family. 

    Our VIRTUAL giving tree is coming soon!

  • Oxford Valley christmas Shopping Cart Arrow Down  


    WHERE: all gifts will be purchased through amazon

    Being an educator is hard work.  This has always been the case but the challenge has increased exponentially the last couple of years.  The average teachers spends $750 of their own money to support their classroom each year.  As part of our Be Rich season we are gifting the educators at Oxford Valley Elementary School with gifts for their classroom, their desk or simply for them as a tangible expression of our love and gratitude for all they do. 

    In addition, we'll be blessing other Pennsbury Elementary Schools with baskets of blessings this Holiday season and the administrators will also get a special blessing from The Bridge!

    The teacher's wish lists will be here soon!

  • door hanger/coupon distribution and prayer walk Helping Hands

    WHEN: door hangers and maps will be available NOVEMBER 10th, distribute at your convenience.

    WHERE: various neighborhoods. 

    The Bridge has been open a year and we've found that still so many people don't know about it. Take a stack of door hangers and deliver them door to door (literally put them on the doorknob) of the houses highlighted on the map. Grab your kids, if you have them, hop on a bike or some rollerblades and make it quick! This is a great way to meet your neighbors, get some exercise and get them excited about The Bridge. Also, we encourage you to take this opportunity and pray over the houses as you pass them. 

  • restoration day of service Helping Hands

    WHEN: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23 | 9am - 12pm

    WHERE: Restoration

    Join us as we fix and deep clean our building and prepare for the busy holiday season when we expect to welcome new friends! 

    Come lend a hand when you can and leave when you must! Any help from all ages is appreciated! Jobs will range from outside raking, tree removal, prepping the garden, deep-cleaning inside, cleaning carpets, fixing chairs and more! 


  • community day of service Helping Hands

    WHEN: SUNDAY NOVEMBER 24 | 9am - 12:30pm

    WHERE : begin at Restoration

    We'll begin with an abbreviated worship service (15 minutes) before we head out to serve our community! Some of the jobs will be at Restoration preparing blessings for our community to be distributed later in the season, some of the jobs will be at Restoration serving our grounds and decorating for the Christmas season, other jobs will be out in our community serving our neighbors and partner ministries. 


  • the hunt for the golden candy cane

    The 7th annual hunt for the golden candy cane is kicking off December 1! This is a generous and fun activity for our community. Decipher the clues, put them together and find the cane! Clues can be found on the Christmas page of our website. And invite your friends hunt too! 

  • pay it forward Helping Hands  

    WHEN: DECEMBER 3 | 6:00pm

    WHERE: Start at Restoration | Sanctuary

    Gather your family & friends and head out into the community to bless some perfect strangers. We'll meet at Restoration Church at 6:00pm, hand you some cash and basic guidelines, then, have at it! Pay for someone's dinner or gas. Buy someone a cup of coffee. Give someone an exceptional tip. Hang out at the grocery store check out and just hand out money. Yes, people will ask "what's the catch?" but there is none. God's grace is FREE. We want them to feel that in this very tangible way. 


  • trenton area soup kitchen Helping Hands

    WHEN: DECEMBER 4 | 3 -5PM

    WHERE: Trenton

    We're serving our local homeless and those in need by helping with dinner prep and service at the TASK. Learn more at the registration link:


  • prayer walk Helping Hands


    WHERE: Meet at Restoration and walk through Pinewood/Lakeside

    Bundle up and join us for a prayer walk around our community. Break down spiritual strongholds as we intercede on behalf of our neighbors and pray for a softening of hearts towards God and his Church. 

  • Oxford Valley christmas wrapping  Helping Hands

    WHEN: DECEMBER 10| 7 - 9PM

    WHERE: Restoration Church | Fellowship Hall

    We've purchased the it's time to wrap them! Our friends at Manor Elementary School shared their mid-year wish list with us and now it's time to wrap and share the gifts - just in time for Christmas! 

    Join us as we listen to music and wrap gifts. We'll provide the supplies and music - you bring your holiday happiness. 


  • shared meal holiday shop & free market Hand Holding Heart  Helping Hands

    WHEN: Donations now through December 8 | Shared Meal Holiday Shop & Free Market: 6pm December 13

    WHERE: Restoration Fellowship Hall

    Our Shared Meal for our local homeless and those in need is renown within our community. During our December meal on the 8th, in addition to a wonderful hot meal we are also providing a Holiday Shop & Free Market: an opportunity for our local homeless and those in need to "shop" for what they may want or need. The donation list will keep expanding but for now we are looking to collect the following (donations can be placed in the lobby  in the bin marked "Shared Meal Holiday Shop").

    Hot Hands


    Wet wipes


    Long underwear (med - XL mens & womens)



    Granola Bars

    Snack packs

    Portioned trail mixes

    Beef jerky

    Canned soup

    Sugar free cookies or snacks

    Fruit cups/pouches

    Canned fruit



  • life abundant christmas wrapping

    WHEN: DECEMBER 14 | 9:30 - 11:30am

    WHERE: Restoration Church | Fellowship Hall

    We've partnered with Life Abundant Ministries to bless children of incarcerated parents. Part of this blessing is to wrap gifts for these children. 


  • welcome christmas Helping Hands

    WHEN: December 15 | :5:30 - 7:30pm

    WHERE: Restoration Church | Front Lawn

    Welcome Christmas is a FREE event for our community. It's our small-town feeling Christmas gathering where we light the tree, traverse the light maze, roast marshmallows, decorate gingerbread people, make ornaments, sip hot cocoa, pet the nativity animals, listen to the carolers and bask in the gentle snowfall. This is our chance to "welcome in Christmas" and also celebrate the conclusion to our Be Rich season!