grow in faith

Growing in faith is an ongoing process that includes prayer, worship, reading the Bible, and serving others. Whether you’ve just made the decision to follow Jesus, are new to Restoration Church, or have been attending for years, we encourage you to take a step to grow in your faith.

This isn't a linear pathway but here are some options as to what your next step might be: 

Praying Hands


Prayer is often a confusing, misunderstood practice. We'd like to change that. 


read the bible

The Bible is God's special revelation to us. We therefore ought to read it and know it. But we get that it's hard. It's a big book that doesn't always make sense. We'd like to change that too.

UtensilsDrumstick with Bite Taken Outlearn gratitude

Paul wrote the Colossians that one of the marks of a mature follower of Jesus is one's ability to give thanks (Colossians 2:6). After all, everything we have is graciously provided us. Our existence on this planet is not a right and therefore shouldn't be taken for granted, Beyond that, our salvation is a gift. We didn't earn it, we don't deserve it so what should be our response with every breathe? Thanksgiving.  


join us for lunch

It may seem like an odd next step but joining us for lunch might just be your gateway into so much growth. Sitting down with our staff and elders will provide you helpful insight into what we're about and more importantly, how you can be involved, connected and growing. 


learn how god has wired you

We're all different (which is a good thing) and therefore bring different gifts and ideas to the table. The challenge is, most people simply don't know how they're wired. They couldn't tell you what they're good at and where they should serve. We want to help with that. Check our course schedule for our "Know Yourself" course. 

Helping Hands

serve others

One of the best things you can do to grow is to begin serving others. Take a step outside yourself and put someone else's needs first. This may not be in one of our environments (hopefully it's a lifestyle driven by Christ in you) but it certainly can be. 


get connected

The truth is, if you're going to grow the most, it's going to be in the context of community. As helpful as the rows you sit in on a Sunday morning are, you need to get into a circle.  We've therefore created environments for you to do just that.  


learn generosity

Love is the mark of a Christ follower (John 13:34-35). Generosity is the stretching of love. It's the growing and maturing of one's willingness to be sacrificial for the betterment of another. It's not only about our money but includes our time and energy and talents and other resources. As you grow in love, you hold on to your agenda less as you enter in to God's agenda for you. You begin to recognize that all we have has been entrusted to us for the furthering of his agenda. And as we learn generosity towards that agenda, we are entrusted with more to be generous with.