
Classes are offered throughout the year but each trimester offers different topics and courses. 

Trimester 1 (T1) runs from January - April

Trimester 2 (T2) runs from May - August

Trimester 3 (T3) runs from September - December

See below for what's offered when.

growth track

Becoming like Jesus takes intention; it takes knowledge, commitment, discipline, community and practice. It is our hope that everyone, at some point, ventures through our six-part curriculum based growth group and be so inspired that by the end they'll start again while taking a group of friends through it too.    

  • starting point

    Faith has a starting point. Whether you started years ago or you're still investigating, this is a perfect place to know Jesus more and understand the basics of the Christian faith. 

    Every Monday from October 21st to December 9th 6:00pm-8:00pm

    Sign Up Here

  • a story about a story, part 1

    The Bible is a confusing book. Most people that have tried to start it have failed to finish it. And many that have finished failed to understand it. Story is meant to give you tools to read the Bible, help you understand the narrative, the themes and ultimately help you meet Jesus from beginning to end and to know what God accomplished, and will finish, in Jesus Christ. 

    Part 1 focuses on the foundations of the story and will take us through Genesis 1 - 22. 

    Every Wednesday from October 9th to November 27th 6:15pm-7:15pm

    Sign Up Here

  • a story about a story, part 2

    The Bible is a confusing book. Most people that have tried to start it have failed to finish it. And many that have finished failed to understand it. Story is meant to give you tools to read the Bible, help you understand the narrative, the themes and ultimately help you meet Jesus from beginning to end and to know what God accomplished, and will finish, in Jesus Christ. 

    Part 2 will walk the story Exodus - Malachi

    Every Wednesday from October 9th to November 27th 6:15pm-7:15pm

    Sign Up Here

  • a story about a story, part 3

    The Bible is a confusing book. Most people that have tried to start it have failed to finish it. And many that have finished failed to understand it. Story is meant to give you tools to read the Bible, help you understand the narrative, the themes and ultimately help you meet Jesus from beginning to end and to know what God accomplished, and will finish, in Jesus Christ. 

    Part 3 will discuss the life, teachings and importance of Jesus.

    Every Wednesday from October 9th to November 27th 7:15pm-8:15pm

    Sign Up Here

  • a story about a story, part 4

    The Bible is a confusing book. Most people that have tried to start it have failed to finish it. And many that have finished failed to understand it. Story is meant to give you tools to read the Bible, help you understand the narrative, the themes and ultimately help you meet Jesus from beginning to end and to know what God accomplished, and will finish, in Jesus Christ. 

    Part 4 will discuss the early church, the epistles and the "end".

    Every Wednesday from October 9th to November 27th 7:15pm-8:15pm

    Sign Up Here

  • the way

    Now that you've started and are on your way, learn what it means to follow Jesus.  "The Way" was what Christianity was called before there were "Christians." What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus and how do we do it?  

    Check out our Church Center App for more information

  • the practice

    Disciplines like prayer, reading the bible, evangelism, and mentoring as well as seeing God at work and balanced relationships are all important to following Jesus. This is where it get's practical. This is where our hands get dirty.  

    Check out our Church Center App for more information

other learning communities

  • discover your design

    Have you ever wondered how God designed you and for what purpose? In this 6 week course we will Discover God's purpose for our unique Design, looking at what God has to say, exploring our personality through different assessments, examining our passions and our fears through discussion, and looking at the unique gifts God has given to us as His children and where we can use those gifts to bridge into our community and at Restoration Church.

  • parenting

    The first thing your child does in this world is scream at you. For many parent/child relationships, that screaming never stops. Tension drives this relationship for many. We as parents are responsible to shape and guide these little humans but many don't even know where to begin. As long as they're alive, clothed and fed, we think we've done our part. But the reality is, we all have hopes and dreams for our kids and we parent to that end. That vision informs a lot. If it's strong, we parent with control, it it's week, we parent permissively. What's right? What's the purpose of parenting? Why have I been entrusted with this responsibility? 

    In this day long seminar followed by options for small groups, we'll unravel parenting from a biblical perspective and challenge us all to lean in and love those entrusted to us with passion and understanding.   

  • baptism

    Baptism is an outward expression of an inward truth. It's a symbol, a promise and a request. It's our confession before a body of people that we are sinners who have surrendered to the love of God in Jesus Christ and a request to that body to help us on the journey. 

    If you've never made the choice to be baptized yourself and would like to learn more about what baptism is, why we do it and why we do it the way we do it, join us for this 30 minute course on May 24th at 6:30. 

  • married + the manders

    Marriage is tough. We get it...and we want to help. This isn't therapy but it may reveal a few things that need to be processed further. BUT this also isn't only an evening for those whose marriage is "struggling." All married couples, or those preparing to be married, are welcome!! This evening is an opportunity for you to connect (or re-connect) with your spouse over a good (and free) meal, laugh a bit, learn a bit and recommit to some new habits...ultimately to one another, and Jesus. Three marriage principles will be discussed and taught:

    The Fountain
    The Chase
    The Gap

    Expand your marriage toolbox with the Manders! 
    Childcare is not provided but we encourage you to make this happen...for the good of your marriage, your children and the world (yes we mean that). 

  • financial wellbeing

    Finances are often said to be the most confusing, most stress-inducing, most complicated part of one's livelihood. Navigating income and taxes, budgeting, debt, savings and retirement, let alone trying to be generous, is exceptionally challenging for many. Our financial wellness seminar is a starting point towards a healthier relationship with one's money. You'll learn systems and receive tools to help you thrive and to manage the resources you've been entrusted with well and generously.