
  • easter morning

    Join us April 20 at 8:30 or 10:00AM for a celebration of new life! Easter is the morning we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! We'll have an inspiring message of hope, beautiful, encouraging music, awesome kids programming for birth - 5th grade and a welcoming, beautiful atmosphere.

  • a good friday experience

    Join us April 18 at 7pm for our Good Friday Service of song, solace and silence. This service will reflect on the nature of the cross with interactive elements, the death of Jesus, our lamenting and sorrows and ultimately end with hope as we look forward to Sunday morning. 

  • easter eggstravaganza

    Join us on April 13 at 10am for our worship service and stay for a unique and fun event! The eggstravaganza is unlike any other. We have a giant catapult that we launch eggs from, facepainting, balloon creations, bubbles, crafts, an amazing maze, petting zoo, food and more! 

  • the hunt for the golden egg

    Somewhere in our region is a golden egg worth $500. Starting April 1, clues will begin dropping on this page, below. Follow the clues, find the egg, crack it open, follow the instructions within and claim your prize! 

    See below for more details. 

the hunt for the $500 golden egg

frequently asked questions

  • This egg hunt is open to the entire community! The only person who knows its whereabouts is Pastor Ross and Emily so they are the only ones excluded from finding it (but their kids are not). 

  • The picture above is the actual egg. It's the size of a typical easter egg, wrapped in gold tape. 

  • If you find the egg, cut it open, or unwrap it and follow the instructions inside. 

  • The hunting zone are as follows: HWY 1 to the North, the Delaware River to the East and South, 295 to the West with Neshaminy Creek as the Southwest boundary. SEE BELOW

  • The hunt officially begins on March 10. Clues can be found below. The hunt will end when the egg is found. 

  • We are a church IN our community, FOR our community. We love providing fun, family friendly activities to help our community thrive. We (obviously) believe in the work, the hope, the life and the community of Restoration Church so we want as many people to know who we are and what we're about. This is one way to introduce our community to Restoration in a fun way. 

  • Yes, anyone can access it without trespassing. 

  • Places that are publicly accessible :) 

  • As many as are needed. Previous hunts have seen anywhere between 6 and 15 clues be released. 

  • Every few days though we release more when people "play along" on social media by helping us share and interact with us. 

  • You can do whatever you want but he (and Emily) is sworn to secrecy. But he would love to get to know you so introduce yourself if you see him :) 

  • No. The egg is worth $500 which is under the IRS threshold for winnings. 

search boundaries

The egg is somewhere within these boundaries:


EAST - The Delaware River

SOUTH - The Delaware River

SOUTH WEST - Neshaminy Creek

WEST - HWY 295